Epsilon Blue Mediterranean Aftershave 100ml

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Epsilon Blue Mediterranean aftershave has a very traditional and authentic barbershop scent. Modelled on the classic Floid Blue aftershave this is one aftershave that will not disappoint. Apply to skin after shaving to condition and soothe.

  • 100ml Glass Bottle
  • Flow restrictor for easy spill free use


  • 5
    A Gentleman's aftershave!

    Posted by A reviewer on 29th May 2021

    Epsilon Blue Mediterranean aftershave is reminiscent of the original Floid Blue which is not made anymore, I cannot understand why. While I'm not sure if anyone can detect the scent from me when I use it, it doesn't bother me at all. I like it. It's refreshingly clean and doesn't have a strong overpowering smell that many aftershave bottles have. I would be happy to alternate between Epsilon Blue and the Eau de Cologne 4711 aftershave. I must ask my wife what she thinks of it. She's not noticed it yet and would be very quick to say it was awful if she didn't like it.