Unveiling the history of Floid - Close to a century back, JB Cendròs, the proprietor of the famed "Buenos Aires" grooming parlor in Barcelona, perceived an unmet need in the realm of shaving customs. With ingenuity and expertise, he forged an extraordinary concoction - an invigorating and restorative elixir brimming with nourishing elements for the skin. Thus, the enigma of Floïd was born, captivating countless souls as an iconic post-shave lotion throughout the ages, adorned with an unparalleled aroma that defies replication.
The new Floid range of products is all about embracing the timeless and embracing the new. Floid bring a comprehensive grooming regimen that seamlessly blends the essence of tradition and the possibilities of tomorrow. The meticulously crafted line of shaving and body care solutions stands as the epitome of harmonising classic elegance with cutting-edge advancements. With expertly formulated products tailored to provide an impeccable shaving experience and elevate daily self-care, Floid cater to those who seek to go the extra mile in their grooming rituals.