Merkur 38c Long Handled

(7 reviews)
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The MERKUR 38C razor is a heavyweight in the Merkurlineup, often affectionately referred to by long-time fans as the MERKUR Barber Pole. This nickname comes from its distinctively ribbed handle, designed to resemble a classic barber pole. The handle’s weight and non-slip grip make it easy to guide the blade with precision and control.

With a generous blade gap, the razor ensures a smooth flow of soap, preventing the razor head from clogging with hair or lather. As a closed comb safety razor, it's a versatile choice for traditional wet shaving. You'll naturally find the optimal shaving angle, delivering perfect results with ease.

  • 87g


  • 5
    Great razor, but needs some practice

    Posted by Kurt on 12th Oct 2016

    I've used a an Edwin Jager razor, which is great for beginners who never user a DA. Tried the 34c- the handle is a bit short. The 38c is perfect with the long handle, even though I don't have big hands. Need to get used to the weight, but now it feels the razor does the work itself.

  • 5
    34 HD Head

    Posted by Turk on 3rd Dec 2015

    Friends who love the 34c but finds the handle short. This razor has the 34c head with a longer handle. One of the best razors out there.

  • 5
    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Posted by Mike on 27th Jan 2015

    I had previously been using a good quality handle...part of a shaving set with a Mach 3 blade fitting. The quality of these blades and the price, using them for years pushed me to check out DE Blades and source a good razor. After researching online, I am very happy to have purchased the Merkur 38c Long Handled razor. Great weight and grip and a quality product.

  • 5
    All that man needs

    Posted by Milorad on 26th Mar 2014

    Product fully meets the description. The quality is excellent. All recommendations

  • 5
    The last razor you will ever buy

    Posted by Tom Murphy Waterford on 21st Sep 2013

    I got this razor as a present from my uncle a while back. I am embarrassed to say that I shaved with a so called 'modern system' up to now. (age 25) This razor is held to your face and it shaves you. You don't shave with IT. Shaving 'properly' should be part of personal development classes at school. If it was this would give an A+. I shave every day and I must say I look forward to it since I got my 38c. My Uncle said this razor would 'see me out' and after six months now I know what he means. Oh be warned. If you drop it - a floor tile will need to be replaced.

  • 5
    A real man's razor

    Posted by Constantin on 21st Sep 2013

    I have returned to wet shaving after almost twenty years of painfully trying all types of "modern" razors. I chose a long handle razor because of the size of my hands, and after reading hundreds of reviews for different razor brands and sizes I opted for the best razor ever - the Merkur 38C. It ticked all the boxes, and as a previous reviewer called it, is the "Aston Martin DB5 of razors". It truly delivers and regardless if you are a "newbie" or a "veteran" of wet shaving it would not disappoint anyone using it.

  • 5
    A real classic

    Posted by shavemeister on 21st Sep 2013

    This is the Aston Martin DB5 of razors. It will never end up in landfill. This doesn't just look the part… it delivers. Will get the best from any blade effortlessly.