The MUHLE R89 Twist has a new mechanism to make blade changing even easier. With a simple "Twist" of the base knob the top cap will be released allowing for convenient razor blade changing. Muhle safety razors are precision made and finely detailed. The polished chrome finish tops off a premium made razor for the most demanding of wet shavers.
Muhle R89 twist
Im new to DE shaving and this R89 twist is a beautiful looking razor that performs effortlessly without getting any cuts or nicks. I use it with the muhle soap and brush with great results. I was a little worried to begin with as I had a bad experience with a poor quality DE razor years ago but this muhle R89 twist is really perfect. Thank you.
Great service
Best all round adjustable razor for sensitive skin. Great service from shave.ie
Top of the Line Product
I am in my 4th year of wet shaving after having used a cartridge for 35+ years. I have more Safety Razors and Artisan Soaps than I will ever need, however, I can say with confidence that the Muhle line of Safety Razors are among the best in the world. There products never disappoint me and are always a pleasure to shave with. I recommend them with the highest of praise.
Very glad to have gone back to proper shaving. the Muhle R89 twist is the perfect razor - easy to use and does a great job.
A great razor
A great razor. I have heard many good reviews, and found this is the best choice for the beginner.
Couldn't be happier
I have to agree with the Twist & Shout review. The ease and convenience of this razor is a pleasure. With the quality of the build the Muhle R89 should last many years if not a lifetime.
great razor
this is my first safety razor and I found it fantastic. I always use to buy gillette products but there is no comparison.
Twist & Shout: A Great Razor
The Muhle R89 Twist produces a smooth, close shave. The large handle with its weight helps in letting the razor do the work. The twist feature is especially helpful in rinsing at the end of the shave. Simply twist it open, rinse under running water, blow out most of the water, and then leave it to dry until your next use. All in all, a great razor!