Personna Lab Blues
Super smooth DE Blades
Personna Super comfort coated blades are great shavers and will compliment a wide variety or beard types. These comfort coated stainless steel double blades are made in the USA and are also widely known as Personna "Lab Blues". 100 blades can easily last for over one year making them very good value for money.
Super smooth DE Blades
Best DE blades out there
Very sharp blade but very smooth with good life. I get between 3 and 4 shaves out of mine using a Rockwell 6S and they work the best for me on my Merkur Futur. Second time buying these and they are great value for money.
after seeing a lot of shavers on you tube put these blades in the top 5 because there fairly sharp and smooth .i had to try them out and there right they give a great shave ...
Excellent quality blades and very inexpensive price- what a bargain! These blades are smooth and sharp, and longevity is good enough, about 5-6 times. These blades are very highly recommendable for aggressive razors: R41, Fatip.
Brilliant blade no tugging super smooth.