Taylor of Old Bond St Mr Taylor Shaving Cream Bowl
Taylor of Old Bond Street
Taylor of Old Bond St Sandalwood shaving cream has a subtle warm scent and provides a premium shaving lather. Taylors of Old Bond Street produce premium quality shaving creams in a variety of exquisite scents known to many around the world. These creams are a must have for the serious shaver and we are pleased to offer the entire range or shaving creams from Taylors Old bond Street London. The fragrances are stunning and the rich lather will provide the foundations for a superb shave.
Fantastic thick lather, great clean scent.
This product is miles better than anything you will find in a can. Lathers up well with my Semogue brush and holds well on the face. Need to leave it for a little bit longer than I really would like on my face before shaving to allow it to properly condition my face for shaving but that's the only problem I have. Smells great too.
Lathers really quick and smells great. I've tried the other brands, Taylor's is the best.
Forget the dispensing can of shave foam.... think and shave like your granddad and dad! It feels clean and is an affordable everyday treat.
Certainly one of the best. Creamy and soothing. In value for money trumps all. My favorite Mr. Taylor Shaving Shop.
I tried several scents of Taylor’s products. My favourite are Sandalwood and Rose scents, and really makes a nice smooth lather. I use the bowl package at home, and tubes are great for travelling. A great purchase and really worth’s every cent.